Tuesday, 18 June 2013

My Final Blog Post

My grade 8 PE was awesome. We did some really fun activities and fitness too. i really liked going outside for PE and running in the fresh air. I liked doing obstacles because its fun just jumping around and running. For fitness I didnt like the hill run that much, and community run I did like. From september to June I learned a lot about being healthy and active. And now that we have come to an end, I have to give myself a grade. I participated mostly all the time and I tried my best on choice and fitness and any other activities we did. So I think I want myself to have and A. I really enjoyed myself in Active Learning and there were some times that I really dint enjoy, but I pushed myself to just give it a try and sometimes I ended up liking it and others I thought that it was fun but not the best. Having PE with ms Phillips was very fun  and I hope I have her next time in my future years of high school!:)

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Community Run

On Friday we did the community run for fitness. I actually enjoyed it except for one part. Anyways I enjoyed it because  I think I did better than the last time we had it, which was around October I think. I ran and then I would walk and run and walk...so on. I kept up and at the end of the run I was sweating and felt good. Now, (a day after) my legs are soar which tells me that I ran my best!:)